A CBUS Favorite - The Rosie the Flower Truck inspired bouquet.
The Designer's Choice Bouquet has colors and blooms that vary depending on the week and season. Bouquets are available for pick up at our Clintonville design studio. If you need a Rosie bouquet delivered please see the Rosie Bouquet - On The Road for Delivery.
*Special Edition* Learning 4 Life Farm bouquets-These blooms are planted, cared for and harvested by students on the autism spectrum. OLF has partnered with the Learning 4 Life Farm Learning 4 Life Farm (L4L) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit transitionary program for central Ohio students on the autism spectrum. L4L prepares students with necessary job skills to assist them in their future careers and their ventures into the world beyond. Bloom selection varies weekly based on harvest.
*A portion of the proceeds of "Special Edition" bouquets go directly back to the farm.